Please download your very own copy of any of the resource files featured below, free!
in association with

Grass Roots Basic
Training Manual
Use our basic grass roots starter manual to help get you started more confidently on the field and build your own exercises for the future success of your team.
Understanding Econometric Modelling in Grassroots,
Foundation Phase and Junior Soccer.
Positional Play &
Line Up Templates
Positional play and line up templates help to build on the organizational structure of your team and to level up your professionalism and preparedness before each game
Small sided games help your players learn the fundamentals of the game faster and also help to improve the skill levels when learning different types of games in a challenging manner
Let us help you design and deliver a training session that promotes faster skills development and more fun, make use of our training plan and feedback templates to help you create your own
Striker Finishing Exercises
Learn the techniques used by top internationally renown strikers and understand how they apply their craft to deliver goals creatively where it counts
Goalkeeper Exercises
Learn the techniques used by top internationally renown goalkeepers and understand how they apply their craft to be shot stoppers and improve the defensive mindset of the team
Take advantage of our team shaping drills to optimize their attacking, moving with the ball, possession and defensive play to improve the team tactically on an ongoing basis
7 vs 7
Game Rules
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ante nisi, consectetur sed dapibus eget, facilisis accumsan ipsum. Nullam egestas scelerisque mi quis vehicula.
9 vs 9
Game Rules
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ante nisi, consectetur sed dapibus eget, facilisis accumsan ipsum. Nullam egestas scelerisque mi quis vehicula.

071 877 2321
Benurban Road,
Cape Town